Monday, August 22, 2011

What a weekend

I was a runner's fail this weekend.  I didn't get in a single mile and I have a race this weekend that is going to be close to 9.3 miles.  I'm not nervous about it because I have the base to prove I can run 9.3 miles, I just haven't done it in a long time.  Oh well, I'm not to concerned yet.  I might be after I hit the 10K mark Saturday morning.

So what did I do besides running, well I did Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs for Day 12 of Insanity.  Then the hubs and I teamed up and attacked our yard.  He did the weedeating and I mowed the grass and then he attacked the back yard while I took Bug to sign up for fall soccer.

But the wonderful news in all of this is a FB message I received while doing Insanity.  Bug has a friend that has given her clothes in the past, so when I received a message telling me they had some more clothes and shoes to give her, I was pretty happy.  Being on a tight budget, it really helps when people give us things, and these items are really nice items, like with the tags still on them, have only been worn once items.  So as I was reading through the message, it said, "and we have an above ground pool that we don't want, so if you want it, we would love to give it to you."  WHAT!!!!  I told the hubs about it and he said sure, so I sent a message back saying we would be over there soon.  The people had gotten the pool to use but rarely used it, so it was stored in their storage shed and they were going to put it in the dumpster.  I usually have to set a kiddie pool in the driveway and use a water hose to cool myself off, so I jumped at the chance of getting a nice size pool for us to use.

Once home, we unloaded the pool and talked about how we were going to get it set up.  Our yard is not flat at all.  It slopes down both in the back and front, so setting up a pool took some time to decide.  I also didn't have time to help the hubs get the pool up Saturday afternoon because I still had to do some grocery shopping and I had to attend my cousin's little baby's birthday party.  After that I had to book it back home before 7 because the hubs wanted people to come over for his birthday party.  We played cards and enjoyed the company. 

Sunday the girls and I went to church and then after we got home, the hubs and I fell asleep watching Harry Potter 6.  I know I woke up a couple of times to tell the girls to lay down, but I don't think it ever happened.  Finally around 2:30 we all went outside to start getting the pool set up.  The girls played in that thing, while the water started to fill it, for almost 2 1/2 hours.  They had so much fun and makes me very excited for when the pool is finally finished.

I baked the hubs a chocolate cake with coca cola icing for his birthday and we had tacos for dinner, which Monkey slept through.  I tried to get her up to eat but she just rolled back over on the couch and was gone.  She did manage to wake up in time for some cake and then promptly went to bed.  She was a tired baby.

Over all we had a wonderful weekend. 

Angela :)

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