Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Day in the Life

As I was reading my google reader this morning, I stumbled across SUAR's post about her day in the life and she requested that you do it to.  So I'm putting my boring day-to-day life out there for everyone to see.  Here's goes nothing.

5:40 a.m. the alarm goes off and I hit it to turn it off and roll over.

5:50 a.m. the alarm goes off for the second time, I again hit, again roll over trying to bargain with myself that those 5 miles could be ran on my lunch break, after work, any other time than right now.

6:00 a.m. finally drag myself out of bed and get dressed because it's suppose to be 99 degrees today with a heat index of 111.  No way am I running in those type of temperatures.  I wouldn't survive it.

6:55 a.m. finish up with 5 mile run and sit in the driveway catching my breath and wondering why I put myself through such pain.

7:15 a.m. Enjoy a big (or two) cups of this.  Coffee is wonderful.

8:25 a.m. Arrive at work to begin my day.

5:30 p.m. Get off work and head to the gym to teach a 45-minute spin class.

6:00 - 6:45 p.m.  Teach spin class and wonder if it's possible to cancel Friday's class right then because I was just really sore.

7:00 - 10:30 p.m. Eat dinner, get clothes started in the washing machine and find a way to get clothes out of dryer but into an already full basket without folding a single piece (I did manage to do just that), watch some of the Espy's and crawl into bed and pass out.

And there you have it, a day in the life of She Runs!!!!  Not as exciting as most people think.

How does your day look???

Angela :)

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