Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's Wednesday Ya'll

Today starts my new obsession.  I get to plan my grocery list out according to whose stores have the best deals for the coupons I have.  Ever since I decided to start couponing, I have become obsessed with it.  Yesterday in the mail we received the weekly fast food coupons.  I was so excited.  I'm definitely planning on hitting up Arby's and Steak and Shake more now that I have coupons for the food.  I'm trying not to pay full price ever again.  Hopefully it will work.

So like I said, my newest obsession starts today.  I have already poured through the weekly circulars and have decided to hit up Publix and Winn Dixie for my main groceries.  They have the best deals going on right now and I actually have some coupons for the things they have on sale.  Score!!!!  I'll let you guys know how I did on Saturday, when the real shopping begins.

Also my dad is bringing me some potatoes and onions from his garden and my mom is bringing me some squash from her garden.  Side note, I'm not an onion or squash fan but there are some recipes that require onions and I do like fried squash (my stepdad makes some awesome fried squash), so I'm not turning down some free veggies especially since they have been homegrown.

On to the real reason why I blog, this morning I (don't act surprise) got up and got my run on.  It was MUGGY.  I thought I was running through a swimming pool that's how bad it was outside.  I had 6 miles on the agenda and wanted to run at least 4 of them at an 8 or 8:15ish pace.  It didn't happen but here's what did happen:

Mile 1 - 9:03
Mile 2 - 8:24
Mile 3 - 8:34
Mile 4 - 8:31
Mile 5 - 8:45
Mile 6 - 8:59
Total miles: 6
Total time: 52:20
Average pace: 8:43
Calories burned: 609

So as you can see my tempo miles didn't go according to plan but then again they never do and at least I got out there and got my run on.  I also learned on this run that I can't do math in my head to save my life.  During the last two miles when I just wanted to be done, I figured I would be finished somewhere around 50 minutes.  I honestly didn't anticipate slowing down as much as  I did but it also happened that I ran by a house that really just straight up stank and I was doing my best to hold the puke in and not just let it go.  I felt I couldn't get away from that house/yard fast enough.  I'll definitely be rethinking my running route for next time.

Tomorrow I have track on schedule.  6x400's, WTH!!!!  I'm also going to try and get in ab work right after the run because I'm not going to be able to make it to abs class. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday. 


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