Friday, July 30, 2010

Did I or Didn't I

Well yesterday I posted that I had 3 miles on my schedule and that I was going to run them later after work.  I guess I'm not going to leave you hanging for much longer (considering my daily mile widget has already let you in on it) but yes I ran those three miles last night.  It was hot, I looked as though I had just gotten out of a swimming pool when I was done and when I went to stretch outside, the driveway burned the bottom of my legs because it was scorching hot so I did my stretching in the kitchen.

Here's the low down of how the hot run went:

Mile 1 - 8:37
Mile 2 - 8:39
Mile 3 - 8:40
Total miles 3
Calories burned: 307
Average pace: 8:3
Total time: 26:16

I was very pleased with this run considering it was hot and I'm not good in the heat.  It also gave me a glimpse into next Saturday's race.  I know that I can run faster than that pace especially in a race situation.  Tomorrow I have 8 on tap and I'm actually looking forward to it rather than dreading them.  I'm using the same fueling plan that I did when I ran 8 about two weeks ago but I'm going  a different route with no dogs, hopefully.

I hope everyone who races this weekend has a wonderful race.  I can't wait to hear the race reports on Monday.


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