Sunday, June 20, 2010

30 Day Shred

My mom called me Friday afternoon asking if I wanted to come over to her house Sunday.  I said sure being that she lives about 40 minutes from me, I don't go out there as often as I should.  Well guess what, she got me the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  I was really excited to get home and pop that bad boy into the DVD player. 

I did the level 1 20 minute workout and let me tell you, just because I run, doesn't mean I'm in total shape.  Some of the exercises she did had me wanting to scream in pain and just stop all together.  I did the full 20 minutes and was really happy when she finally said we were done.  It was like I was being released from class.  I couldn't get the DVD off fast enough. 

My arms are already feeling the exercises and I'm a little nervous about how my legs are going to be feeling tomorrow morning when I get up to attempt my 2 mile run.  I'm definitely going to add this DVD to my exercise schedule. 

After I'm finished with the 30 day shred, I'm going to try P90X.  My brother-in-law is suppose to be getting me the program and I'm really stoked to give it a try. 

I'll give my opinion of the 30 day shred and post a couple of pics as the month goes on.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and I want to wish all the wonderful father's out there a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY.

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