Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday's attempt at 10 miles

So this morning I didn't get up and go running like I was suppose to.  It was cloudy looking, so I figured that I would hold off and go during Monkey's nap time. 

The good news, I did get in 8.28 miles, the bad news I was 1.75 miles away from hitting 10 miles.

Here's the stats from the run:

Mile 1 - 8:27
Mile 2 - 8:26
Mile 3 - 8:54
Mile 4 - 9:16
Mile 5 - 9:20
Mile 6 - 9:19
Mile 7 - 10:10 (I let myself walk 30 ft during this mile)
Mile 8 - 11:32 (I was talking to the hubs during this mile about the impending rain that was coming)
.28 - 10:05
Total Miles - 8.28
Total Time: 1:18:16
Total Calories Burned: 839

I felt pretty hard core during this run because between miles 3 and 4 it started to rain and I usually don't run while it's raining but it felt oh so good and it wasn't lightning so I figured why not keep going.  At about 4.5 miles I stopped and opened a Hammer gel (raspberry) and wolfed that thing down like there was no tomorrow.  These Hammer gels are really, really good and I'm contemplating by a couple of case loads next time I order.

Right when I hit mile 5, the rain stopped so I figured it was over for the day and made a decision to keep on trucking and try to get in my goal of 10 miles.  I was feeling pretty fatigued around mile 6 and kept telling myself, "make it 50ft., then you can walk" and when I did make it 50 ft I would reaccess how I felt, by mile 7 I had to stop and walk. 

I didn't get to upset that I let myself stop and walk because I knew it was coming.  Right when I hit mile 8 it started lightening so I picked up the pace as best as I could and that's when the hubs called.  I knew I was a mile away from home and I told him I'd be there soon.  Right when I hung up the phone the heavens opened and it started to come down in bucket fulls.  I made it to our local church and ended up calling the hubs to come and get me.  I knew I wasn't going to make it home in that rain and so I gave in and called it quits.  I was a little disappointed in myself but since I'm not really training for anything, I let it go pretty quickly.

Oh, well I have 11 miles on tap for next Saturday, so I might be able to conquer this 10 miles after all.

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